Members of the Experts’ Committee
The Experts assist the Foundation with regard to scientific and cultural topics. They express their opinion with regard to particular initiatives or programmes of the Foundation and may formulate study and research projects.
The Scientific Experts of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco®
Chairman: Emma Mandelli
Pierangiolo Cetica Processes and Methods Dept. in Building Production at Florence University
Emma Mandelli University of Florence
Piero Paoli Florence Faculty of Architecture
Gennaro Tampone University of Florence
Carlo Sisi Director of Modern Art Gallery
Antonio Natali Uffizi Gallery
Maurizio Bossi Centro Romantico – Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G. P. Vieusseux
Luciano Alberti Musical Academy of Florence
Francesco Civita Stibbert Museum
Laura Vecere Academy of Fine Arts of Florence
Marcello Garzaniti University of Florence
Riccardo Gionata Gheri Empoli S. Giuseppe Hospital
Maurizio Peruzzini Project Leader Sustainable Chemistry and Catalysis, ICCOM CNR
Tatiana K. Kirova Department of Architecture University of Cagliari
Stefano Maria Casella Department of Anglo-American and English Literature, IULM University of Milan
Patrizia Falzone University of Genova
Olimpia Niglio Faculty of Engineering, University eCampus
The International Committees of Experts
Director of the Department of Business Administration and Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Scutari
Alejandro Aldo Menicocci Faculty of Law, National University of Rosario
Miguel Arraca Covaeco International Tourism
Gustavo Cimarelli Sports and Physical Education Marin Educative Group
National Chairman Yuri Safaryan
Yuri Safaryan Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction
Zorahb Melikyan Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction
Nune Chilingaryan Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction
Hovhannes Tokmajyan Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction
National Chairman Gulchoha Mammadova
Babayeva Shahla Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University and Town Planning
Iman Mazanov Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University and Town Planning
Sabina Hajiyeva Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University and Town Planning
National Chairman Marc Laenen
Marc Laenen Director of the Centre for Cultural Heritage
Artesis University College
National Chairman Galina Polyanskaya
Galina Polyanskaya Belorussian State Technical University
Ina Nalivaika Belorussian State University
National Chairman Alexandr AlexandrovUniversity of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy of Sofia
Elena Dimitrova University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy of Sofia
Yasen Ivanov Kyosev Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Martin Petrov Kostov Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Emil Yordanov Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Conservation
Yordanka Kandulkova Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Conservation
Velina Pandjarova Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Hristina Staneva Bulgarian National Committee of ICOMOS
Donika Atanasova Georgieva Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Michel Bonnette Vice President ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH)
Zhang Min School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Zhang Guang-han Chinese Academy of Urban Planning and Design, Beijing
Jelkica Hartman Foreign Languages at the School of Economics and Commercial of Dubrovnik
Ljiljana Sepic Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb University
Netice Yildiz Department of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University
Czech Republic
Jan F. Vojacek Department of Medicine and Cardio-vascular Center, University of Carl IV of Praga
Jiří Vaníček College of Polytechnics of Jihlava
Helena Zemánková University of Technology at Brno
National Chairman Temur Kobakhidze
Tamaz Kandareli Metekhi National University of Tbilisi
Temur Kobakhidze Metekhi National University of Tbilisi
Nana Iashvili Tbilisi State Academy of Arts
Giorgi Khubua Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Leila Khubashvili Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Tinatin Bochorishvili Rustaveli Foundation
Zaza Tsotniashvili Gori University
Vassilis Ganiatsas National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture
National Chairman Balazs Balogh
Founded by da Mihály Zádor
Secretary Wierdl Zsuzsanna
Balazs Balogh Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Architecture
Laszlo Darago Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Janos Krahling Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Architecture – Vice dean Head of Department of Design
Prokopp Maria Eotovos University of Budapest
Peter Farbaky Kiscelli Museum
Pócs Dániel Art historian
Szécsi Zsolt State Center for Restoration and Conservation Monuments
Káló Judit State Center for Restoration and Conservation Monuments
Zsuzsanna Wierdl Painting restorer, director, STUDIOLO, International, Mural and stone restoration research and working c.
Konstantin Vukov Corvinus University of Budapest
Sandor Falvai Academy of Music
Franciska Puskas-Ispan Academy of Music
Marianna Balassa Academy of Music
András Morgós Wood conservator and chemist Hungarian National Museum; Conservation Department
Erzsebet Kovàcs National Board for the Protection of Historic Monuments of Budapest
Istvan Bona Hungarian University of Fine Art
Petronella Kovacs-Mravik Hungarian University of Fine Art
Eva Mester Glass conservator
Laszlo Kis-Papp Faculty of Engineering; Technical University of Budapest
Jozsef Laszlowvszky Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University
Judit Zador Budapest Historical Museum
Ray Subhasis Xavier Institute of Management, Faculty Member ICFAI Business Scholl, Hyderabad
Mohammad Reza Malek Head Office of Post Graduate Studies, Faculty of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering
K.N. Toosi University of Technology
Hassan Laghai
Gulnara Abdrasilova Vice Rector of the Students and International Affairs of the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Previous President: Prof. Aleksey Shkaev Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture
Belek Sarymsakov Kyrgzy-Russian Slavic University of Bishkek
Ilshat Yuldashev Kyrgyz State Medical Institute for Advanced and Postgraduate Studies
National Chairman: Koji NishimotoNational Graduate Institute for Policy Study of Tokyo
Yasuo Watanabe Chiba University
Riichi Miyake Fuji Women’s University
Koji Nishimoto National Graduate Institute for Policy Study of Tokyo
Kosaku Toguchi Seijo University
Masanori Aoyagi University of Tokyo
Motoaki Ishii Toyo University
Yoshifumi Muneta Kyoto Prefectural University Faculty of Environmental Design
Hirohide Takeyama Ritsumeikan University Faculty of Letters Human Studies
Atsushi Okada Kyoto University Faculty of Integrated Human Studies
National Chairman: Janis Krastins Faculty of Architecture, Riga Technical University
Ugis Bratuskins Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Riga Technical University
National Chairman: Arvydas Tamulis Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy
Aleksandra Aleksandraviciute Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts
Tomas Kacerauskas Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Klimka Libertas Vilnius Pedagogical University
Tomas Kacerauskas Department of Politic Theory and Philosophy Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
National Chairman: Vladimir Gaidash Department of Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Moldova
Vladimir Gaidash Department of Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Moldova
Nistor Grozavu Urbanism and Architecture, Polytechnic University of Moldova
Borozan Segiu Urbanism and Architecture, Polytechnic University of Moldova
Sargorodschii Mihail Urbanism and Architecture, Polytechnic University of Moldova
Jose Danilo Silvestre College of Architecture, University of the Philippines
Founded by Andrzej Tomaszewski Warsaw Technical University
Stefan Wrona Warsaw University of Technology Faculty Architecture
Danuta Klosek – Kozlowska “Protection of Cultural Heritage”, Warsaw University of Technology
Stefan Westrych Warsaw University of Technology
Waldemar Deluga Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art at the University Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski of Warsaw
Agnieszka Bender Catholic University of Lublin
Andrzej Kadluczka Krakow University of Technology
Maria Ponikiewska Krakow University of Technology
Adam Malkiewicz Art History Institute at Jagellonian University of Krakow
Jan Pamula Rector of Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts of Krakow
Kazimierz Flaga Krakow University of Technology
Romana Gudelis Przybyszewska Institute of Tourism at Pomeranian University on Tourism and Hotel Management in Bydgoszcz
Maria Murawska Rector Academy of Music of Bydgoszcz
Bozéna Zimnowoda-Krajewska Faculty of Fine Arts, Nicolaus University of Torun
Piotr Stachurski Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
Krzystof Golba Medical University of Silesia, Director of Echocardiography Laboratory, department Cardiac Surgery
Elzbieta Trocka-Leszczynska Wroclaw University of Technology
Jerzy Jasienko Wroclaw University of Technology
Stanislaw Daniel Kotlinski “Stanislaw Moniuszko” Academy of Music in Gdansk
National Chairman: Emil Barbu Popescu University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ioan Mincu”
Sergiu Nistor University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ioan Mincu”
Ioan Sbarciu University of Art and Design of Cluj-Napoca
Radu Solovastru
Viorica Balteanu Timisoara Western University
Smaranda Bratu Elian University of Bucharest, Department of Italian Language
National Chairman: Nicolai Gorsky Chernyshev
Nicolai Rassadin Kostroma State University “N.A.Nekrasov”
Vladimir Egorov Rector of Ivanovo State University
Olga Karpova Vice-Rector of Ivanovo State University for Public Relations, Head of the English Department
Dmitri Polyviannyi Ivanovo State University
Nina V. Reviakina Ivanovo State University
Yevgeny N. Bobrov Ivanovo Branch of Russian University for Humanities
Nadezhda Usoltseva Ivanovo State University for International Relations
Alexander Kudryavtsev President of Moscow Architectural Institute, President of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences
Alexander Stepanov President of Russian Association of Architectural Institutes, Pro Rector of Moscow Architectural Institute
Nicolai Gorsky Chernyshev Academy of Fine Arts of Russia
Vera Dazhina National Committee of Art and Culture Heritage
Alexandre P. Lobodanov Lomonosov Moscow State University
Ekaterina Y. Genieva Library for Foreign Literature Rudomino in Moscow
Vladimir V. Popov Moscow State University of Railway Engineering Clinical, Department of Railway Medicine
Natalia Bulanova Scientific Research Centre in Moscow
Polina Fedotova Conservatory by Tchaikowsky Moscow
Alexandr Yeryomkin Penza State University of Architecture and Construction
Elena Lapshina Penza State University of Architecture and Construction
Victor Molchanov Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Arts
Valery Nefedov Faculty of Architecture, Politecnic State University of Saint-Petersburg
Vladimir Ivanov Medical Centre “Medaf”
Alexander Kubyshkin School of International Relations, Department of American Studies, Saint Petersburg State University
Alexander Panfilov Tyumen State Architectural-Building University
Vitaly Tur Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ulyanovsk State Technical University
Natalya Yudina Vladimir State University
Evgeniya Lapshina Dean of the Faculty of Art, Head of the Department of Interior Design Far-Eastern State Technical University
Viktor Tikhonov Volgograd State Technical University, Department of Architecture and Civil and Public Design
Valentina Serebryanaya Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
National Chairman: Milan ProdanovicFaculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad Univerisity
Milan Prodanovic Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad University
Sonja Prodanovic Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia, Belgrade
Nuhad Abdallah Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tishreen University
National Chairman: Pavel Gregor
Robert Spacek Faculty of Architecture Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Maroš Finka Faculty of Architecture Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Pavel Gregor Faculty of Architecture Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Eva Kralova Faculty of Architecture Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Jana Gregorová Faculty of Architecture Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Lubica Pincikova National Board of Monuments, Bratislava
Egon Krak Jan Albrecht Music and Art Academy Banská Štiavnica
Cejpka Faculty of Economics, University Matej Bel, Banská Bystrica
Miriam Olejarová Faculty of Economics, University Matej Bel, Banská Bystrica
Lubomira Fasangova Faculty of Humanities, University of Trnava
Katarina Voskova Institute of Monuments, Banská Štiavnica
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of Ljubljana
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Orcan Gunduz Dokuz Eylul University
Ayse Gulcin Kucukkaya Head of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Trakya
Nevzat Ilhan University of Trakya
Oguz Ceylan Mimar Sinan University of the Fine Arts
Ibrahim Atac Mimar Sinan University of the Fine Arts
Nadezhda Yeksaryova Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture
Vitaliy Dorofeyeyev Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture
Anatolii Kovrov Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Larisa Duz Odessa State University
Oleksandr Lantukhov Ukraine Artist’s Union
Mikhail Zveryakov Odessa State Economics University
Iryna Potapova Odessa National I. Mechnikov University
Valeriy Zaporozhan Odessa State Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine
Nicolaj Bolotskih Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Yuriy Shkodovskiy Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Sergey Chechelnitskiy Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Katerina Cherkasova Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Vladimir Lopatko Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Tetyana Sergeyeva Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Mikhail Averbah Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Igor Klimov Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Svitlana Smolenska Kharkov State Technical University of Construction and Architecture
Olena Remizova Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Lyubov Ryzhevtseva Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Iryna Kudryashova Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Natalia Turlakova Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Oksana Demediuk Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Arsen Avakov JSC Investors
Vladimir Lesovoy Kharkov State Medical University
Alla Lazereva Ministry of Architecture and Town Planning of Crimea
Natalia Grinenko Ministry of Restoration and Heritage of Crimea
Oleksandr Kashchenko Kiev National University of Engineering and Architecture
Oksana Remeniaka Faculty of History of Art, Ukrainian Art Academy
United Kingdom
John Barber King’s College, Cambridge
Sarah Meredith Associate Prof. of Communication at the University of Wisconsin – Green Ba
Ray Hutchison University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Paul Douglass San Jose State University
Jewel Brooker Eckerd College, St. Petersburg Florida
Sue Hammersmith Minnesota Metropolitan State University