The Foundation
The Foundation was born with the fall of the Berlin Wall with the desire to bring closer young people from the Countries of Eastern Europe – Eurasia, no longer with the force of a coercive policy, but with their involvement for cultural reasons, inviting them to Florence as part of international working groups.
With this activity, extended today to 111 countries on 5 continents, the Foundation conceived the ethos Life Beyond Tourism, in order to offer a virtual platform for the mutual knowledge among cultures based on the fundamental elements such as: Travel, Youth, Interculturality, Cultural Heritage, Dialogue, Knowledge, Respect.
Operational plan
Contribute to the development of Peace in the WorldInstruments
Culture, science, applied research as powerful reasons for meetings, education, aggregation, understanding, particularly among the young, with Florence and Tuscany as international centres of culture and, consequently, centres of meetings among the Young.Objectives
To favor opportunities of encounters among young people belonging to different cultures and Countries in order to enable their mutual knowledge and through this mutual understanding; to contribute to the development of friendship among Peoples.Opportunities
Organization of international meetings;Support to the Florentine and Tuscan Cultural Heritage;
Contribution to education;
Promotion, development, realization of initiatives, research, education, publications, awards, scholarships, etc.
Life Beyond Tourism

The International Institute Life Beyond Tourism® is a venue of active research internal to the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation that intends to pursue and render operational the programmatic principles contained in the Manifesto Life Beyond Tourism® and to enable its application on territories.
The institute, making use of the professionals and researchers belonging to different disciplines, carries out the activities of applied research, training and educational courses, seminars, workshops and international conferences for the development of the Model LBT.

Life Beyond Tourism® contributes to the dissemination and affirmation of universal values such as respect and harmony among peoples, and transformation of touristic experience into a precious moment of knowledge and encounter for intercultural dialogue.
It enables to get to know the spirit of the place with its cultural expressions and traditional knowledge, in its past, in its present and in its future perspectives.
It has a new vision of Tourism, also the mass one, which underlines its strategic aspect rather than the consumeristic one.
The Numbers of the Foundation
Manifesto in three languages

eshte te jape kontribut per te krijuar integrim nderkombetar; Fondacjoni jone organizon
ne Firenze, takime dhe iniciativa nderkombetare nepermjet te cilave te rinj te kulturave
te vendeve te ndryshme mund te takohen dhe te njihen per te favorizuar nje njohje
reciproke e miqesi, per te dhene kontribut keshtu ne zhvillimin e paqes ne bote.

je pridonijeti stvaranju međunarodne integracije;
naša Fondacija organizira, u Firenci, međunarodne susrete i inicijative preko kojih se mladi različitih kultura i iz različitih zemalja mogu sresti i upoznati da bi pospješili uzajamna poznanstava i prijateljstva, i time pridonijeli razvoju mira u svijetu.

je přispívat k rozvoji mezinárodní integrace.
Naše nadace pořádá ve Florencii mezinárodní setkání a další iniciativy, při nichž se mohou seznámit mladí lidé z různých zemí a kultur.
Chceme tak napomoci jejich vzájemnému poznání a přátelství a tak svým způsobem přispět k upevnění míru ve světě.

Il s’agit de crèer une contribution à l’intègration internationale; notre fondation organnise à Florence des rencontres et des initiatives internationales à travers lesquelles les jeunes de cutures et pays divers puissent se rencontrer et se connaitre afin de favoriser la rèciprocitè des connaissances et des amitiè, ceci contriburaient au devellopement de la paix dans le monde.

Hozzájárulni a nemzetközi integráció megteremtéséhez. Alapítványunk ezért olyan találkozókat szervez Firenzében, illetve hasonló események szervezését kezdeményezi külföldön is, amelyeken különbözõ kulturájú fiatalok találkozhatnak, megismerhetik egymást, kölcsönös ismeretségeket és barátságokat alakíthatnak ki, ezáltal hozzájárulva a világbéke megteremtéséhez.

è contribuire a creare integrazione internazionale;
la nostra Fondazione organizza, in Firenze, incontri ed iniziative internazionali attraverso i quali giovani di culture e paesi diversi possono incontrarsi e conoscersi
per favorire una reciproca conoscenza e amicizia, quindi per contribuire allo sviluppo della pace nel mondo.

ir veicināt starptautisko integrāciju.
Fonds organizē Florencē starptautiskās sanāksmes un aktivitātes priekš jauniešiem,
kuru laikā personas no dažādām valstīm un kultūrām var satikties, iepazīties un labāk saprast viens otru, tādā veidā arī veicinot starptautiskās zināšanas un sadraudzību, un, tātad, veicinot mieru šajā pasaulē..

este de a contribui la realizarea integrării internaţionale.
Fundaţia noastră organizează la Florenţa întâlniri şi activitǎţi cu caracter internaţional, prin intermediul cărora tineri din ţări şi de culturi diverse se pot cunoaşte şi împrieteni, prietenia şi cunoaşterea reciprocă contribuind la dezvoltarea păcii în lume.

Главной целью деятельности Фонда является создание международной интеграции; наш Фонд организует во Флоренции встречи и различные мероприятия международного уровня, которых молодежь разных стран различных культур может лучше узнавать друг друга, развивать и укреплять дружбу и сотрудничество, способствует укреплению миру во всем мире.

je da doprinese stvaranju međunarodne integracije;
naša Fondacija organizuje, u Firenci, međunarodne susrete i inicijative pomoću kojih mladi iz različitih zemalja, različitih kultura,
mogu da se sretnu i upoznaju, razviju obostrano prijateljstvo i time doprinesu razvoju mira u svetu.

Poslaním nadácie je prispieť k medzinárodnej integrácii;
naša nadácia organizuje vo Florencii medzinárodné stretnutia a aktivity, prostredníctvom ktorých sa mladí ľudia z rôznych krajín a odlišných kultúr môžu stretávať a poznávať, aby vzájomne podporili svoje vedomosti a
priateľstvo, a tým prispeli k rozvoju mieru vo svete.

Головною метою діяльності Фонду є створення міжнародної інтеграції; наш Фонд організовує у Флоренції зустрічі та різноманітні заходи міжнародного рівня, на яких молодь різних країн і різних культур може краще пізнати одне одного та розвивати й зміцнювати дружбу і співробітництво, що сприяє зміцненню справи миру у всьому світі.

is to contribute to International Integration.
The Foundation organises international meetings and activities in Florence for young people through which persons from different Countries and Cultures may meet, get acquainted and understand each other in order to favour mutual knowledge and friendship and, hence, contribute to promoting world peace.